WordPress Vulnerability Database

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All Vulnerabilities

Feb 11, 2012
CVE ID Unknown
Feb 6, 2012
Researcher: Adrien Thierry
CVE ID Unknown
Jan 6, 2012
Researcher: Sammy Forgit
Title CVE ID CVSS Researchers Date
s2Member® Framework (Membership, Member Level Roles, Access Capabilities, PayPal Members) < 111220 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2011-5082 7.2 Chris Martin February 12, 2012
404like <= 1.0 - SQL Injection CVE-2012-10009 8.8 February 11, 2012
Front End Upload < 0.5.4 - Arbitrary File Upload 9.8 Adrien Thierry February 6, 2012
Slideshow Gallery <= 1.1.4 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2012-5229 7.1 Bret Hawk January 26, 2012
Theme Tuner < 0.8 - Remote File Inclusion CVE-2012-0934 9.8 Ben Schmidt January 23, 2012
Kish Guest Posting <= 1.1 - Arbitrary File Upload CVE-2012-1125 9.8 Egidio Romano aka EgiX January 23, 2012
AllWebMenus WordPress Menu Plugin <= 1.1.8 - Arbitrary File Upload CVE-2012-1011 9.8 6Scan January 22, 2012
AllWebMenus WordPress Menu Plugin < 1.1.9 - Arbitrary File Upload CVE-2012-1010 9.8 6Scan January 19, 2012
Shortcode Redirect <= 1.0.01 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2012-5325 5.4 Gianluca Brindisi January 18, 2012
My Calendar < 1.10.5 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2012-6527 6.1 Dean Batha January 18, 2012
myEASYbackup < 1.0.9 - Directory Traversal CVE-2012-0898 5.3 antiphastrophus January 16, 2012
Count per Day <= 3.1 - Arbitrary File Download CVE-2012-0896 7.5 Pavel Komisarchuk (6Scan) January 12, 2012
Age Verification <= 0.4 - Open Redirect CVE-2012-6499 6.1 Gianluca Brindisi January 10, 2012
YouSayToo auto-publishing plugin <= 1.0 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2012-0901 6.1 Am!r, H4ckCity Security Team & IrIsT.Ir January 8, 2012
Pay With Tweet <= 1.1 - Authenticated SQL Injection CVE-2012-5350 8.8 Gianluca Brindisi January 6, 2012
Blaze Slideshow <= 2.4 - Arbitrary File Upload 9.8 Sammy Forgit January 6, 2012
Pay With Tweet <= 1.1 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2012-5349 6.1 Gianluca Brindisi January 6, 2012
Pretty Link Lite < 1.5.6 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2011-5192 6.1 January 6, 2012
WordPress Core <= 3.3 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2012-0287 6.4 Joshua H, Hoang T., Stefan Zimmerman, Chris K. January 3, 2012
WP Live.php <= 1.2.1 - Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2012-5346 6.1 Am!r January 1, 2012

Researcher Hall of Fame (Past 30 days)

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