WordPress Vulnerability Database

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For example, woocommerce researcher:"chloe chamberland" would search for any vulnerabilities discovered by Chloe Chamberland in software that has WooCommerce in the title.

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All Vulnerabilities

Title CVE ID CVSS Researchers Date
CTHthemes CityBook < 2.3.4, TownHub < 1.0.6, EasyBook < 1.2.2 Themes - Authenticated Post Deleition via IDOR CVE-2019-20209 7.5 RE-ALTER December 27, 2019
Media Library Assistant <= 2.81 - Local File Inclusion CVE-2020-11732 7.5 December 15, 2019
WP Intercom Slack <= 1.2.1 - Sensitive Information Disclosure CVE-2019-14365 7.5 fs0c131y November 12, 2019
IgniteUp – Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode <= 3.4 - Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Deletion CVE-2019-17234 7.5 Jerome Bruandet November 10, 2019
Sliced Invoices < 3.8.4 - Authenticated SQL Injection CVE-2020-20625 7.5 Jerome Bruandet October 17, 2019
Popup-Maker <= 1.8.12 - Unauthenticated information disclosure CVE-2019-17574 7.5 Dimopoulos Elias October 14, 2019
ARforms <= 3.7.1 - Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Deletion CVE-2019-16902 7.5 AHMAD ALMORABEA October 11, 2019
GiveWP <= 2.5.4 - Authorization Bypass CVE-2019-20360 7.5 Chloe Chamberland, Matt Barry September 26, 2019
Search Exclude <= 1.2.3 - Arbitrary Settings Change CVE-2019-15895 7.5 Jerome Bruandet September 7, 2019
WP Private Content Plus <= 1.31 - Unauthenticated Settings Change CVE-2019-15816 7.5 Jerome Bruandet August 27, 2019
Bold Page Builder <= 2.3.1 - Missing Authorization to Settings Update CVE-2019-15821 7.5 Jerome Bruandet August 23, 2019
Import any XML or CSV File to WordPress <= 3.2.3 & PRO < 4.1.1 - Missing Authorization Checks CVE-2015-9331 7.5 James Golovich, Ibrahim Raafat August 20, 2019
Woody Ad Snippets <= 2.2.5 - Arbitrary Post Deletion CVE-2019-14773 7.5 August 9, 2019
Adaptive Images for WordPress <= 0.6.66 - Local File Inclusion CVE-2019-14205 7.5 Mark Gruffer July 19, 2019
Adaptive Images for WordPress <= 0.6.66 - Arbitrary File Deletion CVE-2019-14206 7.5 Mark Gruffer July 19, 2019
Ad Inserter <= 2.4.19 - Authenticated Path Traversal CVE-2019-15323 7.5 Wilfried Becard July 12, 2019
Ocean Extra <= 1.5.7 - Unauthenticated Options update and CSS injection CVE-2019-16250 7.5 Jerome Bruandet July 3, 2019
Import and export users and customers <= - Directory Traversal CVE-2019-15326 7.5 June 20, 2019
ConvertPlus <= 3.4.4 - Unauthorized Account Creation CVE-2019-15863 7.5 June 7, 2019
Simple File List <= 3.2.7 - Arbitrary File Download CVE-2022-1119 7.5 Admavidhya N, Bernardo Rodrigues May 23, 2019

Researcher Hall of Fame (Past 30 days)

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