WordPress Vulnerability Database

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All Vulnerabilities

CVE ID Unknown
Aug 30, 2022
Researcher: FVD
CVE ID Unknown
Oct 23, 2017
Researcher: White Hatter
Title CVE ID CVSS Researchers Date
phpCAS authentication library < 1.6.0 - Service Hostname Discovery Exploitation CVE-2022-39369 8.0 Filip Hejsek November 1, 2022
Import and export users and customers <= 1.20.4 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) CSV Injection CVE-2022-3558 8.0 Adel Bouaricha October 17, 2022
WordPress Core < 6.0.2 - Authenticated SQL Injection 8.0 FVD August 30, 2022
WordPress Core < 5.8.3 - Authenticated (Author+) Stored Cross Site Scripting CVE-2022-21662 8.0 Karim El Ouerghemmi, Simon Scannell January 6, 2022
Tawk.To Live Chat <= 0.5.4 - Missing Authorization to Visitor Monitoring & Chat Removal CVE-2021-24914 8.0 Quentin VILLAIN (3wsec) November 8, 2021
Sign-up Sheets <= 1.0.13 - Authenticated CSV Injection CVE-2021-24441 8.0 Ajay Sandipan Thorbole June 21, 2021
WordPress Core < 5.8.3 - SQL Injection via WP_Query CVE-2022-21661 8.0 ngocnb from GiaoHangTietKiem JSC, khuyenn from GiaoHangTietKiem JSC January 6, 2021
RegistrationMagic – Custom Registration Forms and User Login <= - Cross-Site Request Forgery to Settings Modification CVE-2020-9454 8.0 Ram March 5, 2020
TablePress <= 1.14 - Authenticated (Author+) CSV Injection CVE-2019-20180 8.0 0xPablito February 1, 2020
Contact Form Widget – Contact Query, Contact Page, Form Maker, Query Table <= 1.3.8 - Authenticated (Admin+) SQL Injection CVE-2019-17072 8.0 rezaduty October 10, 2019
Health Check & Troubleshooting <= 1.2.3 - Cross-Site Request Forgery 8.0 Julien Legras January 25, 2019
WordCamp Talks < 1.0.0 Beta3 - CSV Injection 8.0 White Hatter October 23, 2017
My WP Translate <= 1.0.3 - Unprotected AJAX Actions CVE-2017-18569 8.0 October 9, 2017
Podlove Podcast Publisher <= 2.5.3 - Authenticated SQL Injection CVE-2017-12949 8.0 Neven Birusk August 7, 2017
async <= 2.6.3 and 3-3.2.2 - Prototype Pollution CVE-2021-43138 7.8 April 7, 2022
Appointment Booking Calendar <= 1.3.34 - CSV Injection CVE-2020-9372 7.8 Daniel Monzón March 4, 2020
Social Photo Gallery <= 1.0 - Remote Code Execution CVE-2019-14467 7.8 Prestigia Seguridad November 13, 2019
Hustle <= 6.0.7 - Unauthenticated CSV Injection CVE-2019-11872 7.8 Mark Parfeniuk May 24, 2019
Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce <= 1.5.4 - CSV Injection CVE-2018-11525 7.8 Bhushan B. Patil June 20, 2018
Form Maker by 10Web <= 1.12.21 - CSV Injection CVE-2018-10504 7.8 Jetty Sairam April 27, 2018

Researcher Hall of Fame (Past 30 days)

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