WordPress Vulnerability Database

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All Vulnerabilities

CVE ID Unknown
Dec 23, 2016
Researcher: dwxsupport
CVE ID Unknown
Sep 25, 2015
Title CVE ID CVSS Researchers Date
Image Slider < 1.1.90 - Arbitrary File Deletion 8.1 dwxsupport December 23, 2016
Post Indexer <= - PHP Object Injection CVE-2016-10948 8.1 Glyn Wintle November 17, 2016
Welcart e-Commerce < 1.8.3 - Object Injection CVE-2016-4825 8.1 Gen Sato June 24, 2016
Ninja Forms Contact Form 2.9.36 - 2.9.42 - PHP Object Injection CVE-2016-1209 8.1 May 13, 2016
Booking Calendar Contact Form <= 1.0.23 - Shortcode SQL Injection 8.1 Joaquin Ramirez Martinez February 8, 2016
WP Super Cache <= 1.4.4 - PHP Object Injection 8.1 September 25, 2015
WordPress Download Manager <= 2.7.2 - Authenticated Arbitrary Options Update CVE-2014-9260 8.1 Kacper Szurek November 24, 2014
Wordpress Core < 4.0.1 - Hash Collision CVE-2014-9037 8.1 David Anderson November 20, 2014
Contact Form by WD – responsive drag & drop contact form builder tool <= 1.7.18 - Authorization Bypass 8.1 Kacper Szurek November 9, 2014
Simple Share Buttons Adder <= 4.4 - Cross-Site Request Forgery 8.1 Duncan Stuart June 26, 2014
Eventify - Simple Events <= 1.7.f - SQL Injection via eventid 8.1 Miroslav Stampar September 7, 2011
WordPress Core < 2.6.2 - Arbitrary User Password Reset CVE-2008-4106 8.1 Stefan Esser September 8, 2008
WordPress Core < 2.5.1 - Authentication Bypass CVE-2008-1930 8.1 April 25, 2008
WPForms User Registration <= 2.1.0 - Missing Authorization to Authenticated (Contributor+) Privilege Escalation CVE-2023-52209 8.0 Rafie Muhammad July 18, 2024
140+ Widgets | Best Addons For Elementor – FREE <= - Authenticated (Contributor+) PHP Object Injection CVE-2024-4471 8.0 Francesco Carlucci May 22, 2024
Migration, Backup, Staging – WPvivid <= 0.9.91 - Google Drive Client Secret Exposure CVE-2023-5576 8.0 October 13, 2023
WP Ultimate CSV Importer <= 7.9.8 - Authenticated (Author+) PHP File Creation to Remote Code Execution CVE-2023-4141 8.0 István Márton August 3, 2023
WP Ultimate CSV Importer <= 7.9.8 - Authenticated (Author+) Remote Code Execution CVE-2023-4142 8.0 István Márton August 3, 2023
Export Users With Meta <= 0.6.8 - CSV Injection CVE-2022-44577 8.0 Mika November 17, 2022
Checkout Field Editor <= 1.7.2 - Authenticated (Admin+) PHP Object Injection CVE-2022-3490 8.0 Nguyen Duy Quoc Khanh November 7, 2022

Researcher Hall of Fame (Past 30 days)

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