WordPress Vulnerability Database

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All Vulnerabilities

Title CVE ID CVSS Researchers Date
DethemeKit For Elementor <= 2.0.2 - Authenticated (Contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32508 6.4 Khalid April 15, 2024
Mega Addons For Elementor <= 1.8 - Missing Authorization CVE-2024-32515 4.3 Friday April 15, 2024
WP-Cufon <= 1.6.10 - Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32541 7.2 Dimas Maulana April 15, 2024
Related Posts for WordPress <= 4.0.3 - Cross-Site Request Forgery CVE-2024-32549 4.3 Dimas Maulana April 15, 2024
Fixed HTML Toolbar <= 1.0.7 - Authenticated (Admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32540 4.4 Phill Sav (Savphill) April 15, 2024
Exclusive Addons for Elementor <= - Authenticated(Contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting via Post Grid CVE-2024-2503 6.4 wesley (wcraft) April 15, 2024
Shortcodes and extra features for Phlox theme <= 2.15.7 - Authenticated (Contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting via 'aux_timeline' Shortcode CVE-2024-1357 6.4 Ngô Thiên An (ancorn_) April 15, 2024
LiveJournal Shortcode <= 1.1.1 - Authenticated (Contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting via Shortcode CVE-2024-3773 6.4 Bob Matyas April 15, 2024
Tax Rate Upload <= 2.4.5 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32546 6.1 Dimas Maulana April 15, 2024
Theme My Login <= 7.1.6 - Missing Authorization to Notice Dismissal CVE-2024-32525 4.3 Abdi Pranata April 15, 2024
LH Add Media From Url <= 1.22 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32533 6.1 Majed Refaea April 15, 2024
Multi Currency For WooCommerce <= 1.5.5 - Missing Authorization CVE-2024-32516 4.3 Abdi Pranata April 15, 2024
Exclusive Addons for Elementor <= - Authenticated (Contributor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting via InfoBox CVE-2024-2751 6.4 ST April 15, 2024
BMI Adult & Kid Calculator <= 1.2.1 - Cross-Site Request Forgery to Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32550 4.3 Faizal Abroni April 15, 2024
Fancy Product Designer < 6.1.81 - Authenticated (Admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting via License Field CVE-2024-0904 4.4 Bob Matyas April 15, 2024
Shortcodes and extra features for Phlox theme <= 2.16.2 - Authenticated (Subscriber+) PHP Object Injection via auxin_template_control_importer CVE-2023-7064 7.5 Rhynorater, Michael Brackett April 15, 2024
WP File Download Light <= 1.3.3 - Authenticated (Editor+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32539 4.4 beluga April 15, 2024
What's New Generator <= 2.0.2 - Authenticated (Admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32548 4.4 CatFather April 15, 2024
MF Gig Calendar <= 1.2.1 - Cross-Site Request Forgery to Event Deletion CVE-2024-3756 4.3 Bob Matyas April 15, 2024
MJ Update History <= 1.0.4 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting CVE-2024-32543 6.1 Dimas Maulana April 15, 2024

Researcher Hall of Fame (Past 30 days)

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