Showing 3581-3600 of 8629 plugins with known vulnerabilities

Search all WordPress Plugins with known vulnerabilities

1 Vulnerability
Apr 19, 2011
1 Vulnerability
Mar 17, 2011
1 Vulnerability
Oct 20, 2023
1 Vulnerability
Jan 28, 2016
1 Vulnerability
Apr 25, 2024
1 Vulnerability
Jul 14, 2022
1 Vulnerability
Oct 12, 2023
1 Vulnerability
Sep 30, 2024
1 Vulnerability
Oct 9, 2019
1 Vulnerability
May 25, 2014
1 Vulnerability
Jan 18, 2018
1 Vulnerability
Aug 29, 2015
1 Vulnerability
Sep 8, 2021
1 Vulnerability
Oct 27, 2022
1 Vulnerability
Jan 10, 2019
1 Vulnerability
Jan 15, 2008
1 Vulnerability
Mar 4, 2022
1 Vulnerability
Jun 21, 2024
Title Number of Vulnerabilities Last Vulnerability
SocialGrid 1 April 19, 2011
SodaHead Polls 1 March 17, 2011
Soisy Pagamento Rateale 1 October 20, 2023
Sola Support Tickets 1 January 28, 2016
Solid Affiliate 1 April 25, 2024
Solid Mail – SMTP email and logging made by SolidWP 1 April 25, 2024
SonaWP – Stripe Payment – PayPal Payment (Blocks + Shortcode) – Donations Block – Sell Digital Work 1 July 18, 2023
Sophi 1 July 14, 2022
Sort SearchResult By Title 1 October 12, 2023 1 September 30, 2024
SoundPress Plugin 1 October 9, 2019
Soundslides 1 May 25, 2014
Soundy Audio Playlist 1 January 18, 2018
sourceAFRICA 1 August 29, 2015
SP Rental Manager 1 September 8, 2021
Spacer 1 October 27, 2022
spam-byebye 1 January 10, 2019
SpamBam 1 January 15, 2008
Spanish Market Enhancements for WooCommerce 1 March 4, 2022
Sparkle Demo Importer 1 June 21, 2024

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