Using Wordfence Central Teams
Teams are a Wordfence Central feature that lets multiple users collaborate and manage websites under a single account.
What are Teams?
Teams are a Wordfence Central feature that lets multiple users collaborate and manage websites under a single account. Account owners can create a Team and invite other users onto their Team in order to manage all the sites managed by their account. Team members can start scans, view scan results and security events, and manage the configuration of individual sites and templates in the Team account. Team members can also subscribe to notifications from sites in the Team account. Note: Team members can not purchase licenses, manage billing, or view invoices in the Team account.
How do I create a Team?
To create a Team, click on the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Team”. Click “Get Started” under “Start a Team”. Choose a name for your team and click “Next”.
How do I invite someone to join my Team?
Click on the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Team”. On the “My Team” tab, choose the “Invite People” box. Enter the email address(es) of anyone you want to invite to your Team, one per line, and click “Send Invitations”.
How do I manage Invitations?
Click on the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Team”. On the “My Team” tab, users you have invited to join your Team appear under “Invitations”. You can resend an invitation by clicking the paper plane icon. You can delete an invitation by clicking the trash can icon under “Actions”.
How do I manage my Team members?
Click on the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Team”. On the “My Team” tab, Team members appear under “Members”. To remove a member from your Team, click the trash can icon under “Revoke Membership”.
How do I join someone else’s Team?
If you’ve received an email invitation to join a team, click the “Join Team” link. You’ll be asked to create an account with Wordfence Central if you don’t have one yet, or login if you already have an account. If you’re logged into your account, you can also click the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Switch to Team”. You can “Accept” or “Decline” pending invitations under “My Invitations”.
How do I access a Team account I’ve joined?
To access a Team you’ve joined, click the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Switch to Team”. Under “Teams I Belong To”, click the binoculars icon to view Central from the Team owner’s account. The team’s name will now appear in the upper right.
How do I switch back to my own account after using a Team account?
To switch back to your own account, click the “Team Name” drop-down in the upper right (where the “Central” drop-down would be) and click “Switch Back”. Alternatively, click the “Team Name” drop-down and go to “Teams”, click the “Teams I Belong To” tab, and click “Switch to Personal Account”.
How do I rename my Team?
To rename a Team, click on the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Team”. Type a new name in the “Team Name” field and click “Save Changes”.
What does it mean if I don’t have an Account Drop-Down?
If you’re currently accessing Central from a Team you’re on, the Team’s Name will appear as a dropdown in the upper right corner of the screen instead of the “Central” drop-down.
How do I delete a Team?
It is not currently possible to delete a team, but you can revoke membership for all team members to prevent access to the sites accessible to your team.
How do I leave a Team?
To leave a team, click on the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Switch to Team”. Under “Teams I Belong To”, click the trash can icon next to the team you wish to leave. Alternatively, click on the “Central” or “Team Name” dropdown in the upper right and click “Team”, click the “Teams I Belong To” tab, and click the trash can icon next to the team you wish to leave.
Can I have more than one Team?
Wordfence Central does not currently allow a user to create more than one team. However, each user can be a member of as many teams as they like, and users can join each other’s teams.
How do I manage alert settings for Teams I belong to?
To manage alert settings for a Team, click on the “Central” drop-down in the upper right, then click “Switch to Team”. Under “Teams I Belong To”, click the gear icon.Alternatively, click on the “Central” or “Team Name” dropdown in the upper right and click “Team”, click the “Teams I Belong To” tab, and click the gear icon next to the team you want to manage alerts for. Alert settings for teams you belong to work the same way as Central Alerts.